
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Project Thursday: Teacher Gifts

With only a few days left before Winter Break - I wanted to give a little something to my daughters favorite Teachers.

In my opinion - hand made touches are the best.  This little gift says it all: 

"Great Teachers teach from the Heart, Not from the Book".

It's hard to see in the photo - but the quote is printed on white cotton fabric and is lightly padded so it puffs slightly out of the frame. 

You can download the Quote here.

If you have never printed on fabric - it's super easy using Freezer Paper.

Cut a scrap of fabric (I used white broadcloth).  Tear off a piece of freezer paper.  They should both be slightly larger than a piece of paper.

Using a hot iron (no steam), iron the freezer with shiny side down to the wrong side of the fabric.  Just a few seconds of pressure and the paper will temporarily bond to the fabric.

Cut the fabric/paper to 8 1/2" X 11".  I used a fabric rotary cutter, but a paper cutter also works. 

Load the sheet of fabric/paper into the paper tray of your computer and Print as usual.  
It's that simple!

My original design had two quotes on one page, but I found it needed more blank border to wrap around the back of the frame (the download has been modified to include a larger border).

Once it is printed - peel away the freezer paper.

Another pass with a hot iron will heat set the ink and prevent bleeding (and make it hand washable).

The final touch is to add a sweet Red heart. 

Cut a heart from felt and attach it to the fabric quote using a blanket stitch.  It would also look adorable with an embroidered, or chain stitched heart. 

Layer the embroidered fabric quote over a piece of cotton batting and wrap it around the backing board of the frame.  Insert into a 5 X 7 frame - with the glass removed so the fabric poufs out of the frame slightly and you can see the texture of the felt and embroidery.  

It's a perfect gift for both Male and Female teachers.  

Thanks for reading along.....



  1. This is so beautiful...straight from the heart! Loved the felt heart and the printed fabric.

  2. Oh Karina this is sooo gorgeous! What a heartfelt gift to someone so special - thank you for this fabulous tutorial and idea!
